Privacy Policy

1. App Information

  1. App Name: cntrlF.
  1. Purpose: cntrlF is a financial tracking app that helps users manage their finances.
  1. Contact Email:

2. Data Collection and Usage

  1. Data Collection: We do not collect any personal data directly and no third-party services are used for data analytics as of the latest update of this policy.
  1. Data Usage: Since no data is collected, there is no usage of data for analytics, improving app functionality, or enhancing user experience.

3. Third-Party Services

  1. Third-Party Service: Currently, our app does not integrate with any third-party services for data collection or analysis.

4. User Consent

  1. Data Collection Consent: As we do not collect any personal data nor utilize third-party services for data analytics, there is no need for user consent regarding data collection.
  1. Opt-Out: Since there is no data collection involved in our app, there are no opt-out procedures necessary for data tracking or analytics.

5. Data Sharing

  1. We do not collect, store, or share any data with third parties. All app functionalities are managed without retaining user data.

6. Security Measures

  1. Although no personal data is collected or stored within the app, we maintain high standards of security for app operations to protect against unauthorized access or usage.

7. User Rights

  1. As no personal data is collected, there are no specific rights related to accessing or managing personal information. However, users are encouraged to contact us if they have any concerns about privacy or data security.

8. Updates and Contact Information

  1. Updates to Privacy Policy: Any updates to this privacy policy will be communicated within the app or through our website. We encourage users to review this policy periodically for any updates.
  1. Contact Information: For privacy-related inquiries or requests, you can contact us at

This privacy policy is effective as of 22.04.2024. Users are encouraged to review this policy periodically for any updates.